Renee is the Financial Assistant. Her job entails processing all checks, paying firm expenses and disbursing subrogation settlement funds to the clients. Essentially, she is in charge of all things accounting. Renee attended school at Ivy Tech, where she pursued a degree in accounting. She has been working in accounting for over 30 years. Her favorite thing about working in the office is being able to work in a small environment, where she can get to know everyone well.

Renee was born and raised in Martinsville, IN. She currently lives in the Nashville, TN area. She is married to her high school sweetheart, Bill. They have been married for 35 years. They have two children, Michelle and Wren.  Their family is completed with their two dogs and cat.

Aside from working at the office and spending time with her family, Renee enjoys genealogy research, antiquing, and reading. She is terribly afraid of spiders and is known to scream at the sight of one. She also talks to herself more often than not.